Saturday 1 March 2014

Confused: Much. When Life and Media makes no sense at all

Life is confusing and we all know it. 

Here's a few basic Truths:  
-  Life is unfair. 
- Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign will quit on you before at least 10000000000 times, before you start saving every 10 minutes. 
- I don't know what I'm doing. With my life or with my career in media. 
- If you think you know what you're doing, you're insane.

I hope you take this personal.

Every time I think I've got my life and this industry figured out I get a sobering curve ball just to say: "You'll never master me, mwhahahahaha". So I try. I fail again. I try harder. I still fail. Sometimes things go well, but very sooner than later I'll fail again. There is no full-proof strategy you can apply to writing, design or life to ensure success. 

Loosen your muscles like a drunk dude.

Have you ever heard people say that drunk people don't get as hurt when they're thrown around (out of cars, bars...) as sober people do because their muscles are relaxed. Well in Life you've got to relax to roll with the punches. 

Listen to the punk-song dear.

You've got to turn up your teen punk-rock song and say: "Well, I don't understand, but I'm still not giving in". You've got to stop trying to be right and successful and all-knowing and start doing what you believe in, regardless if you're as confused as a sixteen year old. You're not going to transform into mr/ms perfect-journo/photographer/designer/person. This is you.. This is being human. None of us really have it all figured out. All of us pretend to. All of us never will. 

Software change. Trends change. Consumers change. News change. You change. People change. And that's ok. If it's your life aspiration to Change the World it's better to be honest and change it as you go along, learn more and change more as a fellow confused-citizen of the world. Nobody can relate to an all-knowing person anyway.

How to stay sane:
It can get pretty daunting and scaring not knowing where to start or where to go, when you try your hardest and still fail. When you finally accept not being perfect is natural you're actually freeer than you were before. So paint a 100m x 100m oil painting, write a book, surf, listen to opera, whatever you find beautiful and inspiring, do it and don't worry about every little mistake you're bound to make. 

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